
Comsol 5.3 downlkoad
Comsol 5.3 downlkoad

comsol 5.3 downlkoad

Use Coordinate Systems Defined by Geometry Orientations Then, the work plane and its local coordinate system axes - xw, yw, and zw - appear in the Graphics window. To use this new functionality, you choose the work plane in the Coordinate System section in the Settings window. New primitives that are then added to your geometry use this new local coordinate system, so you can more easily specify the primitive's position and orientation. You can do this by first creating a work plane, which defines the local coordinate system in which you would like to work. Now, you can work in a local coordinate system when editing the settings of a primitive or transform feature that is used to build your geometry.

comsol 5.3 downlkoad

Use Coordinate Systems Defined by Work Planes When Creating Geometriesīefore the new version of COMSOL Multiphysics ®, when building your geometries, you had to define the positions and orientations of primitive objects using the standard global coordinate system. In addition, some geometry operations are now much faster and use less memory. In this version, you can specify local coordinate systems for easier geometry building and physics definition operations, and the new Remove Details feature automatically creates virtual geometry operations for you. The geometry improvements in COMSOL Multiphysics ® version 5.3 are quite extensive.

Comsol 5.3 downlkoad